When you submit a proposal for a project, you are volunteering to become a project leader. Project Leaders oversee city, school, or non-profit projects. They act as liaisons between Love Irvine Leadership and project sites and ensure effective communication between both parties. Responsibilities include supply procurement, volunteer coordination, and overseeing activities for project completion and volunteer satisfaction.

  • Maintaining timely communication with Love Irvine Leadership.

  • Attending a mandatory Project Leader Meeting (details below, select one of the two).

  • Meet with your support team to plan volunteer preparation for November 2nd, 2024.

  • Communicating with Love Irvine and your project volunteers leading up to the event.

  • Emailing volunteers signed up for my project site.

  • Attending the November 2, 2024 morning kick-off to welcome volunteers.

  • Coordinating volunteers for project completion.

  • Best efforts so volunteers have the best experience.

As a Love Irvine 2024 Project Leader, I commit to:

  1. Love Irvine Project Leader Information Session

    • When: Wednesday, August 14th, 10 AM - 11 AM

    • Where: Online - Love Irvine Zoom, access to view PowerPoint required (desktop, iPad recommended)

  2. Love Irvine Project Leader Training

    • When: Option 1 - Monday, August 19th, 7 PM - 8 PM OR Option 2 - Wednesday, August 28th, 10 AM - 11 AM

    • Where: Online - Love Irvine Zoom, access to view PowerPoint required (desktop, iPad recommended)

Project Leader Meetings:

Interested in leading? Fill out the 2024 Project Proposal Submission Form or email to inquire. Upon approval, Love Irvine will request a Commitment Agreement be signed.