In 2023, we engaged over 500 volunteers serving at 22 projects all over the city. We hope to increase the size and scope each year. As a valued member of this committee, you are part of something new and exciting in our city, so your active participation and contribution are crucial to the success of our event.

Below are the expectations for your involvement, including meeting attendance requirements and specific roles you may take on:

Meeting Schedule

Please mark your calendars for the following virtual committee meetings:

2. Subsequent Monthly Meetings (3rd Monday of each month):

  • 7/15: 11 AM-Noon

  • 8/19: 11 AM-Noon

  • 9/16: 11 AM-Noon

1. Kick-Off Meeting:

  • Date: 6/17

  • Time: 11 AM-Noon

3. Bi-Weekly Meetings:

  • 9/30: 11 AM-Noon

  • 10/14: 11 AM-Noon

  • 10/28: 11 AM-Noon

4. Serve Day (in-person):

  • Date: 11/2

Attendance Expectations

To ensure effective planning and coordination, committee members are expected to attend at least five of the seven meetings.

Attendance Calculation

  • Total Meetings: 7 (not including Serve Day)

  • At least 5 meetings

Committee Member Roles and Responsibilities

As a committee member, please plan to be involved in one or more of the following areas:

1. Outreach:

  • Engage with the community to spread awareness about Serve Day.

  • Foster relationships with local organizations and community leaders.

2. Donation Stewardship:

  • Manage and acknowledge donations from individuals and businesses.

  • Ensure proper use and tracking of donated resources.

3. Sponsorship Support:

  • Identify and secure sponsors for the event.

  • Develop sponsorship packages and maintain communication with sponsors.

4. Project Leadership and Cultivation Support:

  • Lead specific Serve Day projects, ensuring they are well-organized and effectively executed.

  • Cultivate and maintain relationships with project partners and stakeholders.

5. Volunteer Recruitment:

  • Recruit volunteers to participate in Serve Day activities.

  • Coordinate volunteer registration and communication.

Additional Expectations

1. Punctuality: Please arrive on time for each meeting to respect everyone's time and to ensure we can cover all agenda items.

2. Active Participation: Engage in discussions, provide input, and volunteer for tasks as needed.

3. Preparation: Review any materials or agendas sent out before meetings to ensure productive discussions.

4. Communication: If you are unable to attend a meeting, please inform the committee chair in advance and, if possible, provide any updates or input relevant to the meeting agenda.

Final Notes

Your involvement is vital for the success of Love Irvine's Serve Day. By attending meetings and contributing your time and skills, you help create an impactful event for our community. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to Love Irvine's Annual Serve Day!

Interested in joining? Fill out the 2024 Serve Day Committee Interest Form or email us to inquire.